• Fort Worth, Texas 76244
  • (817) 778-0581
  • 24/7 Online Booking , Live Operator Mon-Fri 9AM-6PM

Covid 19 – Customer Information

Dallas Fort Worth > Covid 19 – Customer Information

Health and Safety

The health and safety of our passengers, partners, and employees are our top priority. The following are precautionary measures has taken to provide you with the highest level of safety to passengers and staff alike.

Our Fleet:

  • Will undergo professional detailing and sanitizing before and after each trip
  • Door handles, seats, buckles and temperature controls will also be disinfected
  • Complimentary water bottles and reading material will not be provided until further notice
  • Hand sanitizer will be available in each vehicle
  • Face masks will be provided upon request

Our Chauffeurs:

  • We ask you to refrain from handshakes until further notice
  • Each Chauffeur will be equipped with a face mask for the duration of the trip
  • Chauffeurs will refrain from handling luggage unless requested
  • Doors as always will be opened and closed by the chauffeur

As our anticipation of welcoming you aboard our fleet once again continues to rise, we ask that you provide face coverings as well to ensure the safety for all onboard.

We appreciate your understanding and please contact us at texasalliancetransport@gmail.com for further questions or concerns.

We appreciate the understanding of our clients and partners as we take these precautions to enhance the safety of our operations.

For any occassion

let us take you there

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